Web 2.0
"The term Web 2.0 (pronounced "web two point Oh") was conceived in 2005 to describe a new breed of websites that use newer web authoring tools, are low learning curves (for the user) and support a collaborative environment ... usually free and usually just all done in a web browser" from Shambles
"Web 2.0 isn't about a sudden single new development, but instead the gradual emergence of a new type of practice. Web 2.0 is an ongoing transition of the World Wide Web from a collection of web pages into a fully functional computing platform. In other words, instead of the internet just being a place with lots of websites, the Web 2.0 concept is its change into an over-arching application that you will be able to use seamlessly and which is integral to the concept of 'Search' in the future." - 2006 Big Mouth Media News
Web 2.0 from Shambles.net
Free 90 Plus Page International Collaboration
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